You may have just had a fender bender in which your car was somewhat damaged, but you feel okay. You get a call from the insurance company of the other car owner who wants to know how you're feeling. You may feel fine at the moment, but the physical results of an injury may not be manifested for days or even weeks. If the accident was the result of the other driver's negligence, then you are entitled to compensation from the at-fault party. However, once insurance companies get involved in getting that compensation becomes difficult. That is why you should hire a personal injury lawyer who is knowledgeable about cases like yours and aims to ensure your rights.
There are a number of aspects to getting compensation for medical bills, lost work wages, and car repairs in any kind of vehicle accident. Our auto accidents lawyer in Rockville, MD, at Kurtz, Peters and Associates, LLC, has experience with these kinds of cases. As your lawyer, he knows what to do every step of the way until your case is settled.
As a layperson, you don't want to worry about learning a lot of legal and medical jargon, and your attorney can deal with all of the paperwork and other red tape. Also, an auto accident lawyer has other similar cases and outcomes to compare to yours. Your lawyer can also determine whether you would benefit from alternative dispute resolution.
Take advantage of an experienced personal injury lawyer who is able to make the best decisions on your behalf and ensure that you are compensated for your injuries. The best news is if you do not win your case, you don't have to pay legal fees. You may have to pay for certain legal services, but you won't have to pay the attorney's fee.